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Full Mouth Reconstruction

Full Mouth Reconstruction

Full Mouth Reconstruction services offered in Weston, FL

Full Mouth Reconstruction implants are a scientifically proven method of full arch tooth replacement — and it takes only a day! At Periodontist of Weston, Tamir Segal, DMD, can use the Full Mouth Reconstruction system to replace a whole tooth arch using just four dental implants as anchors. Learn more about Full Mouth Reconstruction implants by calling the office in Weston, Florida, or booking online today.

What are Full Mouth Reconstructionimplants?

Full Mouth Reconstruction is a full arch tooth replacement system that includes four dental implants per arch. Your provider angles two dental implants in the back of your mouth and the other two in the front. 

The four dental implants work together to retain multiple replacement teeth in the form of a full fixed bridge. In contrast, a traditional dental implant supports just one tooth. 

The Full Mouth Reconstruction system requires just one appointment for a whole new arch of teeth. During that visit, your provider can perform any necessary extractions and then immediately place your new teeth. 

You’ll wear the new teeth continuously for at least several months. During this time, your mouth heals and adapts to the implants. Following healing, you’ll receive a new set of prosthetic teeth. You’re never without teeth with Full Mouth Reconstruction. 

How are Full Mouth Reconstruction implants better than dentures?

Full Mouth Reconstruction implants have a number of advantages over dentures, including:

  • Permanent (no need for removal)
  • Secure
  • Comfortable
  • Natural looking
  • No adhesives needed
  • Better bite force — eat everything, including apples 
  • No pressure on your gums
  • Maintains your jawbone
  • No time without teeth 

Full Mouth Reconstruction may even be better than traditional dental implants in some cases. This tooth replacement system is less expensive than individual dental implants because you need only four implants per arch. Also, Full Mouth Reconstruction can help patients who may not be good candidates for traditional dental implants. 

Does Full Mouth Reconstruction require bone grafting?

Full Mouth Reconstruction almost never requires bone grafting. To get traditional dental implants, you need plenty of healthy jawbone, which is a problem for many people. That’s why so many dental implant patients require bone grafting procedures prior to their implant surgery. 

Full Mouth Reconstruction works around this restriction by angling the two back implants. This means those back implants don’t require the same amount of dense bone as implants ordinarily would. The front two rely upon the thick bone that most people still have in their front jaw, even after bone loss in the back jaw. 

Even if you can’t get dental implants because of bone loss, there’s a good chance that Full Mouth Reconstruction is a good solution.

Learn more about Full Mouth Reconstruction by calling Periodontist of Weston or requesting an appointment online today.